Hello, Sparkly Brain ...
Sparkly Brains is my endearing term for neurodiverse, trauma-impacted, or unique minds who add more sparkle to the world because of their neural diversity. This page is a resource to you.
This is a collection of resources for neurodiverse, trauma-impacted, or otherwise minds who’d like more tools in the toolbox for regulation, growth, and well-being.
More soon...
I’m also linking items on Amazon for ease of reference; feel free to shop locally or in any way that best aligns with your values. In all transparency, if you purchase through Amazon, I earn from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Associate.

Self-Care for Autistic People
Visual Thinking
100+ Ways to Recharge, De-Stress, and Unmask!
The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns, and Abstractions.

The Body Keeps the Score
Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Dr. Megan Anna Neff
Temple Grandin PhD
Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
Your Brain on Art
The Highly Sensitive Person
Letting Go
How the Arts Transform Us!
How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You
The Pathway of Surrender
Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross
Elaine N. Aron. Ph.D
David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Each of these books have lined my shelves and supported my own self-healing as a neurodiverse and trauma-impacted person. Buy or borrow them, as long as you read them.
To support your learning and personal development journey, here are some articles related to resources mentioned here:
Weighted blankets and ADHD
Tara Drinks
The benefits of weighted blankets are from the nervous system's regulation to sleep.
Color Therapy in Mental Health and Well-Being
Dr. Rakesh Gupta
Research perspective inclusive of chakras, yoga, and naturopathy.
International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)
Your self-care and nervous system regulation is as unique as you are.
Below are some recommendations for items that have been helpful along my journey:
Bearaby Weighted Blanket
Using a weighted blanket is helpful when anxiety, overwhelm or meltdowns emerge and for easing into sleep. I have the Bearby Cotton Napper Weighted Blanket, which I like because of its sustainable focus, materials, and washability. There are many choices and alternatives - consider your own budget, preferences, and sensory needs.
Wyze Color Bulb
Item Recommendations
Color therapy can be wearing glasses with lens or shifting an entire room’s light to improve mood, processing, or physiological benefits. These color bulbs include a color wheel that allows you to modify it to any color, and Wyze has a mobile app to enable both color customization, time-based automations, and settings for the light based on sunrise and sunset to support your circadian rhythm and sleep schedule.
This is an evolving page, just like you and me.
More resources, links, and item recommendations will be added.
Let us know what you want to know more about, subscribe, and share the resources with those who'd benefit.

(512) 994-1117